Green self-builders should focus on basics

Fri 23rd Nov, 16:56:19 GMT

One industry expert is cautioning that people who opt to build their own eco homes need to think long and hard before beginning construction.

Ross Stokes, editor of SelfBuild & Design magazine, said that unglamorous energy efficient features must be the cornerstone of such projects, while more adventurous technologies like renewable energy supplies ought to be tackled at a later stage.

Central to any green self-build is the orientation of the dwelling, Mr Stokes explained, as the property will rely on natural solar gain to light up its rooms during daylight hours.

Another staple feature in insulation - particularly double glazing, cavity wall insulation and roof insulation - and only once such energy conserving devices have been put in place should self-builders start contemplating how to source their residual energy demands from on-site renewable supplies.

"The basics are less glamorous, like orientation and also insulation," Mr Stokes conceded "These aren''t as gimmicky as wind turbines and solar panels."

Each year, an estimated 20,000 Britons attempt to self-build their own home.

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