London residents ''most like Carrie''

Wed 28th May, 17:34:55 BST

Girls in the UK capital are most like Sex and the City''s Carrie, according to a study from Friends Provident.

The Sex and the City Generation: Fashionistas not Cashonistas report, says that London ladies share a lot in common with the TV icon.

The report observed that "Carrie has a huge number of shoes but no home of her own".

"She rarely, if ever, thinks about her finances, and sometimes sacrifices lunch so she can afford shoes."

In parallel, the report found that a huge number of London women have made significant sacrifices in their lives so as to be able to buy shoes, and over 30 per cent of women in the capital have over 30 pairs.

In addition, nearly 30 per cent of women have skipped lunch to add to their collection, while over ten per cent have even given up on a holiday for the same reason.

Experts urge women to give a bit more thought to their spending habits and consider what use their shoes will be further down the line.

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