Sellers ''should consider market before renovating home''

Tue 25th Sep, 11:34:25 BST

Homeowners should keep things simple when improving their homes to make them more attractive to buyers, according to a renovation expert.

Andrew Leech, a spokesperson for trade organisation, the National Home Improvement Council (NHIC), said that sellers should think about the style of their property and avoid making bold design decisions in order to ensure that renovations do not put off potential buyers.

"Sometimes having a neutral place for them is best," he suggested, adding that key areas, such as bathrooms and kitchens, should not be decorated in a way that "doesn''t scream at people when they come to view it".

Last month, a survey from Halifax claimed that kitchens are a key part of the dream British home, with 32 per cent saying that a well designed kitchen was important to them and 24 per cent suggesting that the style of the room could make a big impression on them.

Mr Leech recommended that sellers "get some nice kitchen cabinets and appliances which are very professional, but they are standard, and keep your kitchen to moderate proportions" to appeal to potential buyers.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18292406-ADNFCR

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