Lighting ''a key component'' in property sales

Fri 23rd Nov, 16:57:08 GMT

Intricate lighting can significantly boost of the appeal of home dwellings in the eyes of prospective buyers, Asco lights has claimed.

Sellers looking to increase the marketability of their property should tailor the style and tone of their lighting to the feel of the property, with slick modern apartments being best suited to inconspicuous LED-based fixtures.

Older, more traditional properties meanwhile can be enhanced by aesthetically-satisfying ornaments such as chandeliers.

"If you enter a property and the lights look very good it suddenly adds to the overall appearance of that property," Ajay Vasdev, director of Asco lights, explained. "If they are very drab it down-values it."

Property owners should not become obsessed with extravagant lighting fixtures, however, as home improvement firm Lowes cautions that natural lighting is also an important a factor in creating a well-lit room.

The company outlines four different types of lighting required in a home: ambient lighting; task lighting - for reading; ascent lighting- for profiling decor; and finally natural lighting.

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