Footballer yet to score a Welsh home

Fri 10th Aug, 11:43:03 BST

Robbie Fowler, football's most famous property investor, will not be buying a house in the south of Wales it seems.

Following the striker's transfer to Cardiff City he had been in contact with estate agents in the region and had even been showed around several three-bedroom penthouse apartments in the newly-developed marina.

In addition, there had been rumours circulating that the 32-year old was looking into purchasing a £1 million home in Sully.

However, the player has confirmed he is to commute to the Welsh capital from his home on the Wirral by private helicopter for the foreseeable future.

So extensive is Fowler's property portfolio in the north of England that many football fans in the region regularly sing - to the tune of The Beatles' Yellow Submarine - "We all live in a Robbie Fowler house".

House price growth in Wales cooled to an annual rate of 5.9 per cent in July, down from 6.4 per cent in June, according to the latest figures from the property consultant Hometrack.


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