Estate agent goes green

Thu 4th Oct, 12:01:23 BST

An estate agent has adopted an array of eco-friendly measures to make his business kinder to the environment, arguing that the industry can have a powerful impact by becoming more aware of the issue.

With the recently introduced home information packs (Hips) casting the spotlight on the importance of energy efficiency, Chris Kelly, owner of the My Place estate agency in London, says that firms can play a key role in the fight against climate change.

He told the Daily Telegraph: "Estate agents are in a unique position, at the start and finish of the home-owning process, to advise buyers and sellers on how to make their homes more energy-efficient. We''ve all got to try and do our bit."

As well as providing information to clients, Mr Kelly told the paper his office uses very little paper, recycles all waste it generates and will plant a tree for each property sold in a bid to be more environmentally-friendly.

The influence of climate change has already been felt in the housing market, with Robin Hood-Leeder, director of membership services at the Federation of Master Builders, recently commenting that making green improvements to homes "can produce a measurable benefit", allowing sellers to promote the cost-savings they afford to buyers.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18304746-ADNFCR

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