Rics calls on govt to act over empty homes

Fri 16th May, 16:42:17 BST

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics) wants the government to do more to bring empty homes back onto the market.

It comes after the Local Government Association (LGA) forecast that five million people will be on council or housing association waiting lists by 2010.

Rics is concerned that the figure will become a reality unless something is done to make sure that more empty homes are put up for sale.

"With over 663,000 empty homes estimated in England, it is essential the government bring these properties back into use as quickly as possible to reduce the prospect of the Local Government Association prediction turning into reality," commented James Rowlands from Rics.

"Empty properties represent an enormous wasted asset at a time when house prices are high and a slowdown in house building industry reducing the number of homes being built.

"Rics urges local authorities to assess the reasons for empty homes in their area and where necessary make better use of Empty Dwelling Management Orders to bring them back into use," he added.ADNFCR-1143-ID-18597837-ADNFCR

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